Monday, 26 May 2014


What a week ahead! Let's hope the weather will play along, as we say in German.

Monday, 26 May:
INLINE SKATING: Every Monday night during summer time Munich invites all the inline skating enthusiasts to unpack their roller skates for the Blade Night. Various streets are being closed to car traffic, so that you can enjoy a route of 12-17 km in the centre of the city. Starts at 7pm. Free, just turn up with full gear!

Tuesday, 27 May:
FISH MARKET: Tired of lederhosen, white sausages and yodeling? Why not embark on a journey from Alpes to the North Sea, while actually staying in Munich? This week the Fish Market from Hamburg is coming to Wittelsbacher Platz. Enjoy grilled and smoked fish, champagne and dirty sea shanties! From 22 May until 1 June, 10am until 10pm. Free.

Wednesday, 28 May:
NIGHT FLEA MARKET: This time Midnight Bazar will be moving to a new location at Mixed Munich Arts, and giving an opportunity to sell, buy and even swap clothes and everything related to fashion. From 6pm until midnight. Tickets 3€.

CRITICAL FOOD TALK: Maximiliansforum is hosting Food for Thought - a discussion about the food as a medium of political activism, the social and cultural notions of food production and consumption. In English. Starts at 7pm. Free, just turn up!

Thursday, 29 May:
ART FAIR: The Stroke Art brothers are organising their next big thing: the Art Muc Festival, showcasing various facets of contemporary art at Praterinsel. Thu: 2pm until 8pm, Fr and Sa: 1pm until 8pm. Su: 1pm until 6pm. Tickets 10€

Friday, 30 May
CREATIVE NETWORKING: It's Creative Mornings time again! This month's topic is Freedom for Everyone with a talk by Christian Schnurer. As usual, you will get a breakfast arranged with love for detail, and a chance to talk to other creatives. From 8.30 until 10am, Leopoldstr. 55. Free, register here.

Saturday, 31 May:
GARDEN FLEA MARKET: If you haven't been to the Hofflomärkte yet, you should definitely go to one of those on a Saturday during summer. Even if you are not into buying crap for your home, this is a great opportunity to peep into other people's yards and gardens, have a chat with neighbours and enjoy a piece of a home-made cake and lemonade. This Saturday the Hofflomärkte go to Solln and Obersendling, which means that you will see many lovely gardens. Check out the map here. From 10am until 4pm. Free.

STREET FESTIVALS: Visit Streetlife and Corso Leopold for some live-music, sport activities, pets farm and many other things. Head to the part of the street closer to Münchner Freiheit for cultural events like theatre, cabaret, exhibitions and various concerts. Sa: 4pm until 1.30am, Su: 11am until 9pm. Free.

Sunday, 1 June:
FLASH MOB: Bring along your soap and blow bubbles with a funny crowd of people at a Bubble Mob at Odeonsplatz, 5pm. Free.

OPEN AIR CINEMA: If you missed this film earlier in March, as we did, this is your chance to see August: Osage County with Maryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Benedict Cumberbatch, Ewan McGregor, etc. at Kino am Olympiasee. And they are even screening it in English with subtitles! Starts at 9.15pm. Tickets from 6€ to 10.90€

Hofflomärkte: Source.

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